Version 3.6.2

* New: Able to show terms (with thumbnail, title, description) on most layouts (view sample)
* New: [Style Setting] Add “Hover animation”, “Caption (Scrollable list)” background color setting (they were configured via Content’s background color in prior versions)
* New: Able to show X posts of each selected terms (X is an input number)
* New: [Reuse View] Able to create complex filters by reusing taxonomy settings (view doc)
* Fix: Title hover color does not work in Collapsible list
* Update: Remove default font-size in some View elements
* Update: Disable Line up fields when enable Shuffle Filter (it caused some minor style issues)
* Update: Hide “Hide this post” button by default
* Tweak: Add description under “Custom size” setting when images are not same size
* Tweak: Add filter to “exclude another field on mouse over”, “change loading icon” by custom PHP code
* Improvement: Styles for Pinterest, Glossary list, Hover animation